Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hebrews 7:26-28

Summary retelling of Hebrews 7:26-28

We confess that our high priest is holy, innocent, unstained, separate from sinners, and exalted in the heavens.  He had no need to make a sacrifice for His own sinfulness as the priests under the Law (from the line of Aaron) do.  He also doesn’t need to offer daily sacrifices for His people either, since that was handled once for all through His death on the cross.  After all, the Law appoints people who are sinners to be priests; but God asked His perfect Son to die for the sins of all those who are in Him.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Look at the list of attributes for Jesus.  Holy: different, separate, of an entirely different nature.  Innocent: blameless, free from sin, not deserving of death.  Unstained: without blemish, perfect.  Separate from sinners: unique among mankind, sent for a specific purpose. Exalted in the heavens: praised even among the divine realms for the work He has done.  I can’t help but read through that list of attributes and feel unworthy.  I can’t also help but feel grateful because of my unworthy state.

Which of those attributes speaks the loudest to you right now?  Why do you think that attribute jumps out at you where you are in your life right now?

Second Thought:
He had to make no sacrifice for Himself.  He was sinless.  He was unblemished.  There was no sin within Him that needed to be covered.  Contrast that with the priest of the Law.  Contrast that with the pastors, ministers, and priests of today even!  Everyone – even the holy ones among us – has sins that must be covered by Jesus.  But Jesus did not sin.  He was in perfect communion with the Father.  That relationship had to be simply amazing.

Do you ever wish your relationship with the Father was like Christ’s relationship with the Father?  What prevents you from being that close all the time?  Why is it important to remember what role our sinfulness plays in our life?

Third Thought:
He died.  He died upon the cross.  He died not for His sake; He died for our sake.  He made atonement for our sin upon that cross.  Because of His death, we don’t need to continue to make sacrificial blood offerings to God.

Stop for a second and think how much Jesus’ death on the cross has changed things in your life.  How different would your life be had Jesus not come and died? 

Passage for Tomorrow: Hebrews 8:1-2

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