Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Matthew 14:22-24

Matthew 14:22-24
And immediately He compelled the disciples to get into the boat and to go ahead of Him into the other side until the time which He should dismiss the crowds.  And after dismissing the crowds, He went up into the mountain by Himself to pray.  And after becoming evening, He was alone in that place.  And the boat was already many stadia away from the land while being tormented by the waves – for the wind was opposed to them.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

The opening verse of this passage is one of my favorite curiosities in the Gospel story.  I still remember the first time I heard someone truly preach on Jesus’ actions in this passage.  Notice that Jesus compels the disciples into the boat.  As if this isn’t unusual enough – how often does Jesus compel anyone – look at what happens at the end of this passage.  Jesus compels them into the midst of a storm!  Jesus willingly sends the disciples into danger!  Of course, Jesus knew how this would end, so the disciples were really in no danger.  But from the disciples’ perspective, Jesus compels the disciples to go into a time of turmoil and strife!  The Bible even tells us that the boat was being tormented by the waves!  It is into this circumstance that Jesus compels His disciples.

Why would Jesus send His beloved disciples into torment?  Does this make you question God’s love?  Has God ever asked you to go into a time or a place in which there was hardship?

Second Thought:

Let’s go back for a second.  Notice that Jesus dismisses the crowds by Himself.  He doesn’t need the disciples’ help.  Jesus – God – doesn’t need us to do anything.  God is quite capable to do everything by Himself.  Why is this important?  It is important because time and time again we still see Jesus seeking out partnership with human beings.  God doesn’t need us, He wants us!  That’s far more important.

How does it feel to be wanted by God?  Do you actually believe God wants you?

Third Thought:

Finally, notice that Jesus goes up to the mountain to pray.  He sends away the crowds so He can have some time.  He sends away His disciples so that He can have some time.  He knows that God the Father is about to do something amazing that will put His disciples to the test.  He is about to walk on water and give His disciples quite a scare of faith!  Knowing this, Jesus seeks out time by Himself to make sure that He is doing the right thing.

How good are you at seeking your own time when you feel that God is about to do something amazing?  Why is it important to make sure that you are prepared for God’s work?

Passage for Tomorrow: Matthew 14:25-27

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