Sunday, April 26, 2015

Matthew 13:3-9

Matthew 13:3-9
And He said many things to them in parables while saying, “Behold!  The one who sows went out to sow.  And in one case in his sowing it fell over the road.  And after birds came they consumed it.  But in another case it fell upon the thin soil with bedrock beneath it where it was not having much soil.  And it sprouted leaves immediately because it did not have a depth of earth.  But after the sun rose it was being scorched and because it did not have any roots it was being withered.  But in another case it fell upon the thorny plants.  And the thorny plants grew and they choked it.  But in another case it fell upon the good earth and it was giving fruit: in one case a hundred, in another case sixty, and in another case thirty.  Let the one who has an ear hear!

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

I think this is one of my favorite parables because there is such depth to it.  I think it is also one of my favorite because I know all four levels of the parable speak into different times of my life.  For example, take the seed that falls onto the path.  Have I had times in my life where people were trying to pour God into me and I just wasn’t interested?  Of course I have!  I know what it is like to be the path.  I know what it is like to have that kind of life where I know God is trying to come in but I’m just not that interested.

When are you most likely to be the path?  When are you most likely to have people who want to pour God into you and you just aren’t interested in it?

Second Thought:

Take the second type of ground: thin soil.  I used to always call this the rocky ground.  But then I learned that the word here in the context of Palestine doesn’t mean ground with a bunch of rocks in it.  Instead, it is referring to a ground type that is common in the area of Palestine.  It is referring to soil that has a very thin layer of topsoil spread thinly over a thick layer of bedrock.  It isn’t soil that has rocks in it; it is soil that is thin.  Of course, this understanding makes much more sense in the parable!  I certainly know what it is like to receive God’s teaching but not really apply it to my life.  I know what it is like to memorize Bible verses without actually living them out.  I know what it is like to pray by just going through the motions without actually meaning it.  I know what it is like to receive the Word of God but not really let it change who I am.

When are you most likely to be thin soil?  When are you most likely to receive the Word of God but not really be interested in letting it change you?

Third Thought:

The third type of soil is equally as common in my life.  I know what it is like to receive the Word of God and even want to apply it into my life – yet I am unable to do so because I’m just to busy and have far too many other things on my mind to really let it sink in.  I want to listen.  I want to obey.  I want to change.  But I know what it is like to not do any of those things because the cares of the world are too overwhelming.

When are you most likely to be the soil that is full of thorns?  When are you most likely to hear, to even want to change, but to be unable to do so?

Fourth Thought:

The fourth type of soil is the prize soil, but it is often the soil to which I am striving as opposed to the soil that I am living in.  It is a blessed thing to be able to hear and receive God’s truth and actually have it change who you are.  It isn’t easy.  It certainly isn’t always fun.  But it is good to be in a place in life where we are actively changing because of the truth being sowed into us by God.

When are you most likely to be good soil?  When are you most likely to actually change and truly draw near to God?

Passage for Tomorrow: Matthew 13:10-15

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