Monday, March 2, 2015

Matthew 6:16-18

Matthew 6:16-18
And whenever you should all fast, do not become gloomy as the pretenders become.  For they make their faces unsightly in order that they should be revealed to mankind while fasting.  Amen, I say to you all, they receive their reward in full.  But while you all fast, anoint your head and wash your face in order that you all should not be revealed to mankind while fasting but to your Father who is of that which is not publically known. And your Father, who is of that which is not publically known, will reward you.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Clearly here in Jesus’ words we find both the condemnation of fasting done for the wrong reasons and celebration of fasting done for the right reasons.  The wrong reasons we’ll save for the next thought.  But the right reasons are many.  Fasting draws God’s attention and reward to us.  Fasting allows us to demonstrate control over things in our life that try to control us.  Fasting helps us keep from feeling complacency or apathy to the common and routine things of life.  There are many positive benefits to fasting when it is done well and properly.

Do you fast regularly?  If so, why?  If not, why not?

Second Thought:

There is one huge negative benefit to fasting: the social implication.  When we fast and complain about it to the people around us, there is usually one of two reactions.  Some pity us and try to comfort us.  Others stand in awe that we would subject ourselves to something like this for no earthly reason.  In either case when we make our fasting known to others we receive a worldly recompense: comfort or awe.  In such cases, we get what we deserve and not of the positive benefit listed above come to us.  When we pretend to be spiritual but in truth are only seeking human reward, we usually get what we want.

How does this passage speak to motivation?  When you do something spiritual, how truly satisfied are you if you get no earthly benefit for the attempt?

Third Thought:

Jesus clearly talks about the reward.  Pay attention to this, because this is not the first time that Jesus has used this formula of speech.  In fact, this is the third time in this chapter alone!  Jesus is telling us that we should absolutely be about the heavenly reward!  There is nothing wrong with doing something because you want the reward – especially if it is a divine and eternal reward!  This actually sets up the passage for tomorrow, so I’ll leave it here for today and pick this topic back up tomorrow.

When are you motivated to do something because of the reward?  What are the spiritual areas in your life where you are doing something for the reward received from the Father?

Passage for Tomorrow: Matthew 6:19-21

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