Friday, October 24, 2014

2 Corinthians 3:7-11

2 Corinthians 3:7-11
And if the service of death came in glory in letters having been carved in stone so that the sons of Israel are not powerful enough to stare into the face of Moses because of the glory of his face that was being stopped, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be in even more glory?  For if glory is by the service of condemnation, how much more does the service of righteousness exist abundantly to glory!  For even that which is being glorified has not been glorified in this aspect because of the glory that surpasses.  For if that which is being stopped is in glory, how much more is the thing that remains in glory!

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul wants to talk about the glory of the Law and the glory of the Spirit.  And personally, I think the point that he makes is brilliant.  In the opening verses of this section, Paul is referring to Exodus 34:29-35.  This is the story of when Moses comes down from the mountain with the stone tablets.  His face glowed so vibrantly that the people could not look upon it.  Moses had to cover his face until the glow subsided.  So what Paul says is that if that glow from God – which eventually faded – was involved in the process of giving the Law – which serves to point out our sinful nature and our desperate need for Christ – then shouldn’t we be filled with an even greater glory when we are filled with the Holy Spirit?  I think this is a brilliant point!  If God is within us in His Spirit, then we should be filled with vibrant life!  We should be filled with incredible dimensions of godliness!  We should shine with His love!

Do you live each day as though God is shining through you?  How do you do this?

Second Thought:

Paul also gives us a bit of a hierarchy.  Paul doesn’t say the Law isn’t glorified.  Rather, he says that that which came after the Law – that is, Christ and His Spirit – have so much glory that the glory of the Law is nothing in comparison.  We know this to be true.  Of course the Law is important because it reveals our sin and points us to our need for Christ.  However, what good is the Law if Christ never comes?  What good is knowing that we are sinful human beings if there is no hope for us?  No, the glory of Christ surpasses the glory of the Law because Christ can do something about our condition.  The Law reveals our condition, Christ resolves our condition and re-establishes true relationship with God.  That is why the glory of Christ and His Spirit surpasses the glory of the Law.

If you had to choose between the Law and Christ, what would you choose?  Why?  How does this reflect you internal understanding of what Paul is saying here to the Corinthians?

Third Thought:

There is one overarching word throughout this whole passage.  The word is “service.”  Some translations use the word “ministry.”  Either word is appropriate, and the root work for this is the word from which we get our English word “Deacon.”  A deacon is a position of service to the ministry of God.  Paul’s point here is that we as His followers are to be dedicated to His work, not our own work.  When we follow Him, we truly follow Him rather than follow our own desires.  We are in the service of the Spirit, not our own service.

Are you a servant of the Spirit?  Do you serve the will of God or your own will?

Passage for Tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 3:12-18

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