Monday, August 5, 2013

Philippians 1:15-18


Some people preach Jesus Christ out of a spirit on envy or rivalry; but some preach it out of a good spirit.  The latter people do it out of love, knowing that I am imprisoned for the defense of the Gospel.  The former people do it out of personal selfish ambition and not thinking of others – like me in prison.  What is the point?  In every way – whether in pretense or in truth – Christ is proclaimed.  For that I rejoice.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul talks about two different motivations for people to talk about Jesus.  The first is out of envy or rivalry.  These are the people that want to make their faith (or faith community) the better one.  These are the people that are concerned with their faith (or faith community) having the best name, the biggest reputation, and being the most attractive.  Paul knows that there are preachers out there who are using his imprisonment to make them seem better since they are not imprisoned.

Why do we like to take advantage of others?  Why do we like to use bad things in the lives of others to discredit them – or even worse, to try and give ourselves more credit?

Second Thought:

Paul also talks about those who are proclaiming Christ out of love.  These are the people who are genuinely compassionate.  They aren’t interested in their own glory.  They are interested in proclaiming Christ for the sake of those who have not heard.  They are also interested in proclaiming Christ to those who have heard and who may be falling or under persecution.  The people who proclaim Jesus in love are the ones that come alongside of us and encourage us to grow regardless of our circumstances.  Rather than using our circumstances against us for their own benefit, they help lift us out of our circumstances.

What is it that allows a person to put themselves aside and look to love another?  What is it that truly allows us to be proclaimers in love?

Third Thought:

Either way, Paul makes a phenomenal point here.  What is important is that people hear about Jesus Christ.  People being in relationship with Jesus is the ultimate goal.  Period.  It doesn’t matter who gains through the process.  It doesn’t matter what sacrifices have to be made.  My reputation and my status are irrelevant when compared to people hearing about Jesus and coming into a true relationship with Him.  That is all that is important.  That line of thinking puts life in perspective.

Is that your perspective?  What are you willing to give up so that someone else might be in relationship with Jesus?  Who are you willing to befriend so that they might be in a relationship with Jesus?

Passage for Tomorrow: Philippians 1:19-20

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