Monday, June 15, 2015

Matthew 19:10-12

Matthew 19:10-12
His disciples say to Him, “If the relationship of a man with a woman is this way, it is not to our advantage to marry.”  And Jesus said to them, “Not all people are able to accept these words, but rather to those whom it has been given.  For there are eunuchs who were being born out of their mother’s womb in this way, and there are eunuchs who were being made a eunuch by mankind, and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.  Let the one who is able to receive it receive it.”

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

It is important to make sure that we understand the disciples point clearly.  They aren’t saying that it is better to remain single than it is to be married.  They are not trying to make a commentary on God’s institution of marriage.  Rather, what they are doing is showing their absolute amazement at the fact that God puts such a high standard on marriage.  In other words, the disciples are basically saying, “If the only way out of a bad marriage is to stay together until the other person dies or has an affair, it is better to stay single!”  In truth, what the disciples are doing is making a social commentary on the high rate of divorce – even back in the times of Jesus.  The disciples know how hard it is to love a single person your entire adult life.  Fights happen.  Arguments carry over from day to day if we aren’t careful.  Human emotions often sour.  It’s just a reality.  But God expects us to work through it.  That’s where the amazement of the disciples is coming from.

Do you think that marriage is a difficult undertaking?  What makes it difficult?  Why do so many people find it easier to give up than continue in married life?

Second Thought:

In this passage, Jesus speaks about eunuchs.  There are some who are eunuch by birth.  In other words, they were born a certain way that makes marriage impossible.  We could be talking about birth defects, or we could be talking about a symbolic state of being a eunuch that might come from a mental disorder or a difficult personality or someone who simply prefers to be by themselves.  Then Jesus speaks of being made a eunuch by mankind.  Of course, this could refer to kings who literally made eunuchs to care for the needs of their harem.  But we could also be talking about people whose lifestyle makes marriage impossible.  These could be people who travel all the time, people who focus on work instead of the home, or other such people.  Finally, we have people who make eunuchs of themselves.  Almost certainly this is a figurative case, where people choose the work of the kingdom alone rather than following God and being a part of a family.

Do each of these situations exist today?  Have you been taught that choosing to not marry or have a family is inherently a lesser choice?  Do you get that impression here from Jesus?

Third Thought:

Let’s return to a very interesting passage that I skipped.  Jesus says that the ability to not marry is not for everyone.  In other words, this is a teaching that is not necessary for salvation.  Rather, this is a teaching that applies to some but not all.  You can be saved by God and be married happily.  You can be saved and remain single in order to focus on your relationship with God.  Either case is acceptable in the kingdom of God.

Why might some people be unable to stay single?  Why should those people be encouraged to marry and stay faithful to their spouse?  Why might some people be able to live a single lifestyle their whole life?  Why should these people be encouraged in that lifestyle?  Why is it good that one’s marital status does not affect one’s salvation?

Passage for Tomorrow: Matthew 19:13-15

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