time across the ocean they land in Gennesaret.
When they got out of the boat, people immediately began to recognize
Jesus. They went around and got out
their sick and brought them to Jesus – on their beds if necessary. Wherever Jesus went they brought the sick to
Him while He was in the public places and they implored Him to even allow them
to touch the fringe of His garment. As
many as touched it were made well.
Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
that this journey with the disciples originally began with Jesus needing to
spend some time alone with the disciples to debrief their own missionary
journey. From there they had the crowd
with the miraculous feeding. Then they
had an incredibly stormy night. Now they
are in yet another place and unable to really find any sort of peace. Such is often the life of a person truly
following Jesus. There are always people
in the world who need what God has to offer.
This is a fact that will never change.
is this world full of so many people who need God? Do you think the people who need God the most
realize it? Why or why not?
Second Thought:
bring their sick to Jesus and implore that they let them touch Him. They make an earnest request on behalf of
their sick. They want their sick to be healed.
often do we come to Jesus because of our agenda? Is that always right? Is it always wrong? What is the danger of coming to Jesus on our
terms and not His? What is the
importance of being open to listening to God regardless of why we initially
come to Jesus?
Third Thought:
who touched Jesus were healed. Every
single one. This sentence is fraught
with learning. First, there is no limit
to God’s grace. All were healed. Second, Jesus doesn’t really care about
whether the people come with the proper intentions. Everyone got what they wanted. Third, notice that it wasn’t just those whom
Jesus touched. It was all who touched
Him. God is willing to work through
multiple means.
do your thoughts lead you with respect to all being healed? How great is your God? What is the proper response to a story like
for Tomorrow: Mark 7:1-5
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