Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mark 1:40-42


A man with leprosy came and knelt before Jesus.  The leper told Jesus that he believed that if Jesus desired it, Jesus could cleanse him of his leprosy.  Jesus felt great compassion for the man.  Jesus touched the man and said “I desire, be clean.”  Immediately the leprosy left the man and he was cleansed of the disease.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

The leper begins by doing everything right.  He humbles himself before Jesus by kneeling before Him.  He makes a confession of belief in Jesus’ power.  Here is a man who knows that he doesn’t deserve to be healed but that he has had a great opportunity to be healed fall right into his lap.  Rather than blow the opportunity, he has the presence of mind to humble himself before God.

Is it easy to be humble, especially when you need something as bad as the leper needed healing?  What kind of humbleness do you display on a regular basis?

Second Thought:

Jesus desired it.  He literally willed it to happen.  Jesus felt compassion upon the man and reached out to touch him.  Can you imagine the rest of the disciples’ reaction?  It is bad enough that Jesus let this man get close to Him; but when Jesus reaches out to touch him He is acting well into the abnormal.  But Jesus does touch the leper.  He does enter into the world of sickness and disease.  Jesus understands that in order for the sick to be healed, the well need to put themselves at risk and go among the sick.

What is your first reaction when someone who is sick, diseased, or otherwise unclean gets too close to you?  What about someone who is picked on, outcast, or otherwise rejected by community?  What does Jesus teach us here about being willing to go among those that the rest of the world wishes would just go away?

Third Thought:

The leprosy left.  Immediately.  There’s that word again.  When Jesus wills something to happen, it happens.  Jesus doesn’t need to wait.  It’s not like He’s got to charge His batteries.  When Jesus wills it and acts, it happens.  That is the power of God.

How do you typically think about God working in your life?  Does God ever seem to move very slowly in changing you or your circumstances?  When have you seen God work suddenly, too?

Passage for Tomorrow: Mark 1:43-45

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